Streetbeat news by THE STREETBEAT SALSA CO. Fri. 20th Sep 2019
Camden Salsa news click to visit
Salsa Camden Closes after nearly 13 years (back to headlines)I have sad news to share as after 13 fun filled years, we will not be continuing Salsa Camden. |
Beginners One Day Intensive Salsa Class news click to visit
TripAdviser Certificate of Excellence Awarded to Alastair (back to headlines)Yesterday I received an email from TripAdvisor informing me that I had been awarded a Certificate of Excellence. Tripadvisor Intensive reviews wanted (back to headlines)I've set up a new section on the site for Tripadvisor reviews of the 1-Day Intensive Course. From the blog: Top Tips for Pre Beginners (back to headlines)I've publish more articles on the Salsa Rapido blog. |
The Salsa Rapido i.2.i. news click to visit
Article on The Mechanics of Travelling Steps (back to headlines)I've just published an article on the mechanics of Travelling Steps. Article on The Mechanics of Spinning (back to headlines)I've just published an article on the mechanics of spinning. |