sprite-bulb Info:

sprite-comedy  Stand Up Comedy and Quillarious

Hi I'm taking a break from Quillarious on Mondays for a while. Feel free to join the facebook group 'Quillarious' and I'll post when I've some news.
Thanks for your interest and support Alastair

Introducing Quillarious! A brand new comedy format!
Quillarious is what happens when a room full of people attempt to write five minutes of stand up collectively in an hour. It’s panel show meets comedy workshop as MC Alastair Sadler leads two teams of point hungry audience through a bunch of exercises designed to fluff out the funnies. Will we succeed? Who knows, but we’ll have a bunch of fun along the way.
Experience required = None! Admission = £0 Embarrassment = None!
Just a huge sense of being at the cutting edge of comedy, joy, well being, happiness, and lowering the possibility of nuclear war (none declared at time of publication) ... and it’s funny.
7.30pm start - 10pm
We're upstairs so use the bar on the ground floor to save a trip :-)

Why not bring Quillarious into your office? More fun than you've ever had in the meeting room (excluding that Xmas party!)
Download a pdf of Quillarious for corporate entertainment

sprite-comedy  Show Details in Brief

Hi I'm taking a break from Quillarious for a while. Feel free to stay on the group and I'll post when I've some news.
Thanks for your interest and support Alastair

sprite-comedy  What is Quillarious

Introducing Quillarious! A brand new comedy format!
Quillarious is what happens when a room full of people attempt to write five minutes of stand up collectively in an hour.
It’s panel show meets comedy workshop as MC Alastair Sadler leads two teams of point hungry audience through a bunch of exercises designed to fluff out the funnies.
Will we succeed? Who knows, but we’ll have a bunch of fun along the way.
Experience required = None!
Admission = None!
Embarrassment = None!
...Just a huge sense of being at the cutting edge of comedy, joy, well being, happiness, and lowering the possibility of nuclear war (none declared at time of publication)

"... and the march of a 1000 mile starts with a single joke then gets really silly and we're there in no time :-)" Chairman Mao NOT!

sprite-comedy  Quillarious for corporate events

When it’s a good idea to reward your team with a fun event, the
challenge is to find something that’s fun , new , different that may
even be productive.
Well here it is ... Quillarious the comedy writing game show!

Premise: We use whatever time’s available (usually 90mins or an
afternoon) to collectively write and perform five minutes of stand up
The theme of the comedy can be random or a corporate message
e.g. a mission statement. Quillarious is highly adaptable to your
We divide into teams, find the funnies and then connect them up in
a back story. These are presented in our ‘Stand Up Challenge.’
And finally, our awards ceremony is where the best contributor
receives one of the highest accolades ever created, a Quillarei!

Why Quillarious:
This is primarily about fun and enjoyment.

Points regarding the underlying psychology can be made if
desired and it’s possible to use Quillarious as part of you
team building strategy.

Quillarious is a challenging activity that’s out of most
people’s comfort zone. By ‘going there’ as a group,
individuals practice supporting each other and reassess
each other's talents.

Creativity is necessary in any problem solving situation. The
clues are there but connecting them up is tough under
competitive or time pressures. Quillarious achieves success
through creating a friendly creative environment, enjoying
failure, but keeping everyone working towards the goal.

Client list including:
? Kings Cross Management Services,
? Wellcome Trust,
? BBC,
? British Army,
? Pride,
? HM Revenue & Customs,
? Ernst & Young,
? British Airways.
Alastair Sadler
Mob: 07939012231
Email: salsa@streetbeat.co.uk

sprite-comedy  Where and When

Hi I'm taking a break from Quillarious for a while. Feel free to stay on the group and I'll post when I've some news.
Thanks for your interest and support Alastair

sprite-comedy  How to Perform at Streetbeat Comedy


Hi I'm taking a break from Quillarious for a while. Feel free to stay on the group and I'll post when I've some news.
Thanks for your interest and support Alastair

sprite-comedy  My Favorite comedy gigs on YouTube

Here's a link to my YouTube playlist of my favorite gigs.

sprite-offer Offers:

sprite-news Events:

BOOK NOW for the Improvers level course-
i.2.i. Knock the Rust Off
Sunday 16th March 2025 Salsa Soho, London

This is the Improvers i2i course aimed at people who feel their salsa is a little rusty or as a direct follow on from the Salsa Rapido 1-Day Intensive Courses.
I've called it i2i Knock the Rust Off and that's what it does.
There's lots of moves and technique presented with the 'Why' as well as the 'How to' of salsa dancing.
It's fun, inspiring, and you'll be boosted towards intermediate and beyond.
I've posted more info at: i2i Knock the Rust Off
It will build on the generic basics of salsa including:

Core moves
Musical interpretation &
Flow and expression
And much more...

Course starts 10:45am at Salsa Soho until 4:45pm (doors open 10.30am)
Cost: £39 per person with the offer code 'rusty' :)
Use the above link to book.
Alternative dates: View dates
More dates throughout the year!
Tickets are now on sale for the Summer Thames Salsa Cruise on Sunday 11th May 2025
It's Springtime! Flowers and blossoms galore and with daylight returning, we're really looking forward to the 1st Salsa cruise of the season, hurrah! It's on Sunday 11th May so spread the word. Four hours cruising the Thames, seeing the sights and enjoying the classic salsa sounds of Dj Felicidad

This Spring is the 27th year of the Thames Salsa Cruise and the 30th anniversary of the Streetbeat Salsa Co. so please join us for a lazy (or not so) beautiful May Spring evening :-) Dance, chat, chill, whatever you wish...
It's on Sunday 11th May and tickets are already available from this website. Get them early because we will probably sell out.
Groups (5+) cost £18 and the regular advanced price is £20. (£25 cash on the day)
Group leaders please text me ASAP to set up a discount code ASAP Alastair 07939 012231

We cruise from the Festival Pier Southbank to the Barrier and back. Watch the sunset as you sip a drink on the back deck, then see the River sparkle as the city lights up; all the while listening to some great classic salsa music to entice you back on the dance floor.
Four hours of dancing and fun; what a great way to spend a spring evening!
Departs Festival Pier by the Royal Festival Hall, Southbank at 6.45pm, returning at 10.50pm

sprite-news News:

In my latest blog post "Me and Bar Salsa!" I write about why this long standing venue is very special to me on the eve of my thirtieth wedding anniversary.
There's also a potted history of London's salsa scene.
Me and Bar Salsa!
It was 8am and Fliss and I were in bed watching the winter solstice sunrise over Stonehenge live streamed onto my phone and I thought wow! For some reason unknown to me, I found myself making a connection to the traditional and probably ancient wedding saying of: Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.....
An end of year blog that includes many themes from 2024
............ Continued

In this blog I highlight The Chinese New Year Dragon Dance, it's origin and connect it to my life lived in London teaching Salsa.

2/2/2025 Spring is coming and about bloody time!
I'm sitting in Cafe Nero watching crowds of people walk by towards Leicester Square to see the Dragon Dance of Chinese new year.
I first saw this by change when I was 18 and travelled up to London to visit my then .......
The story goes that a lady from the village of Lotus, named for a pond full of lotus flowers, that presumably was next to a village called Duckweed! ...........
Link to blog post
This April 2025, I clock up 30 years as a salsa teacher. It’s something I’m proud of and as part of that celebration, I wish to offer some personal reflections on my life in salsa starting with the birth of The Streetbeat Salsa Co. ........ Continued
In this blog I reflect on the late Jack Vettriano's most famous painting:
The Singing Butler 1992
and his position within the art world as a mirror to Salsa's position within the dance world.

A few days ago on March 1st 2025 the painter Jack Vettriano died aged 73. I’m sure to a younger generation, his name won’t mean much, but to those who’s ‘back in the day’ was the nineteen nineties, Jack’s paintings were ubiquitous. It seemed that every coffee shop had a print of his hanging somewhere.........
Link to blog post
The Thames Salsa Cruise returns in Spring 2025.
The date is now fixed for Sunday 11th May 2025 and tickets are now sale!

We wish to invite as many groups of salsa dancers from across the land to come on this iconic event that's been running every year (except lockdown) since 1998! Music is mainly classic salsa with a small dash of bachata etc. presented by DJ Felicidad (The UK's longest running female salsa DJ)
Groups are formed mainly by dancers and teachers who want to add something special to their dancing year.
We never have classes on board as we don't wish to clash with anyone's style or method. It's just a salsa party for lovers of salsa and non dancers wishing to see the sites and enjoy the vibe.
We make it as easy as possible to bring a group.
We think of a group as five or more but if that doesn't happen no problem. We're grateful you've made the effort.
We set up a discount code word for your group so no one has to gather the money and everyone gets a discount.
Tickets will be £20 or less with the group discount and I'll add detail as soon as I have it.
Please message me on 07939012231 Alastair and I'll set a group up for you.
regards Alastair
I’ve just finished another six week Mambalsa course at the Nightingale Cancer Support Centre in Enfield and what a lovely group it was.
I was aiming for a gentle introduction to Mambalsa without too much emphasis on the well-being aspects of Psych. Ed. but they came up anyway.
Often the classes would end in a group discussion about recovering from cancer and I have to admit it was great to share those stories and feel a paid up member of that club.
Every group teaches me something about dance and life. This group showed me that like a hummingbird, beauty has no relationship to size. We took the lid off our creativity and relaxed and moved freely within the ethos of Mambalsa dance. I’m being deliberately cryptic but confidentiality prevents me from sharing any detail.
I will take the chance to share the last two tracks we danced as a way to illustrate that Mambalsa is danced to any 4:4 time music:
- Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen - complete with head banging and Zimbabwean Wellington Boot dance! (I’ll just leave that to your imagination)
- Would You Be Loved by Bob Marley - A perfect song to end on.
I’m already missing all my Mambalsa Dancers from the Nightingale and can’t wait for the next group.
Yesterday I received an email from TripAdvisor informing me that I had been awarded a Certificate of Excellence.
I had no idea that there was such a thing but now I've got one I'm a big fan.
It's the chance to thanks to everyone who's taken the time and trouble to say some kind words about my Salsa Rapido 1-Day Intensive course.

Click the image to visit TridAdvisor

Reflection: (You may prefer to read this on the Salsa Rapido Blog)
When I embedded TripAdvisor into my site I was hoping for praise but open to the possibility of harsh and unfair criticism, and in fairness I've received a one star review from someone who wasn't on the course and a two star review from someone who enjoyed the class but didn't enjoy the fajitas at lunch! May I just add that fajitas are not compulsory and anyone can eat wherever they wish. Lunch isn't even part of the deal so bring a packet of crisps in if you wish but don't blame my course if they didn't have your favourite flavour! (I'm so over it now)
Anyway, I overcame my fears and gave it a go, realising that feedback is good and TripAdivsor offers a third party review that's useful for the pubic when booking.
Many months later and I've received mainly five star reviews.
This tells me that:
My presentation is engaging and entertaining.
People are way nicer than I deserve.
Salsa Rapido is a mature enough method to stand comparison to traditional classes.
I'm really good at asking for five star reviews.

On the last point my hobby of stand up comedy led to five shows at the Edinburgh Fringe where at the end of a show we would have a 'bucket speech' to encourage the audience to give a tip (our only source of income)
Cliched line like "Take some change, fold it and put it in the bucket" were common.
One time I got a waif-like act to kneel down holding the bucket while looking as mournful as a Dickensian child.
Another time a showed the audience picture of my cats on my phone and asked "which one should I 'economise' first?" Well it works for charities!
The result was seldom any different. It was the show that counted.
Dance school says ballet is racially problematic and too gender binary!
I saw this article in the news and throught I'd offer a few thoughts so here's my latest Mambalsa blog blog posts titled: Dance school says ballet is racially problematic and too gender binary

I've decided to share my recent experience of cancer in a personal blog.
This may be upsetting for many people and I advise caution as to whether you read on.
First I need to address the question: why blog about cancer on a salsa dance website?
Like so many brands on the salsa scene, behind the Streetbeat/ Rapido/ Mambalsa brand is an individual person, who made the jump from dancer to dance teacher. My treatment will affect every aspect of my life including the Salsa Rapido courses and Mambalsa Project. I may physically change as a result of chemotherapy and when someone asks a question about these changes I'd like to answer in a brief and polite way with an invitation to read my blog to get my personal insight if they wish. In other words cancer affects me but it doesn't define me!

Follow this blog: Use this link to add you email to my blog following list:

The blog is a continuation of my 2022 Brighton Marathon blog hosted on Blogger.

24/01/2024 The Last Post

05/11/2023 Round Five Biddy Beep

18/10/2023 Round Four Round Up

01/10/2023 Round 3/4 Review

30/09/2023 Happy birthday Homewood School

05/08/2023 Round Two Update

26/07/2023 Would You A&E it!

26/07/2023 Labels, Trauma, PTSD and Self-diagnosis

21/07/2023 Sepsis vs Sadler A Week in Hospital

06/07/2023 Icky

02/07/2023 Day Three Sitrep (Situation Report)

26/06/2023 Three days to Chemo C-3

24/06/23 Capitano Chemo
In the run up to treatment starting I find myself getting silly to offset the anxiety.

07/06/2023 Scanaxiety
When the prospect of chemo becomes a reality.

24/03/2023 Who's Lynne and what's she FOMO about?
A catch up post from 2019 to 2023. Probably the best place to start :)
Summer's a great time for a wedding and this wedding was a wonderful fusion of dance styles.

Here's my latest Mambalsa blog blog posts titled: mambalsa-wedding

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